Worship Leaders

Worship leaders are licensed by the Diocesan Office to minister under the direction of the Rector. They assist clergy with regular worship services, at funerals, weddings, and Eucharist at the Shrine Altar. They are licensed to serve both bread and wine. Occasionally, when clergy are absent, we independently conduct worship services such as Morning Prayer and Noonday services.
Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for all services of worship. This includes every element that will grace the altar: linens, candles, the communion vessels, etc. The Altar Guild serves under the direction of the Rector and the directress, who is appointed by the Rector. This is a quiet spiritual ministry whose work is done before and after services.

Ushers welcome all who gather to worship into the sanctuary with a smile, a friendly greeting, any instructions necessary, and a bulletin. They collect the offering and direct people to receive communion. They are there to answer questions keep the sanctuary orderly before, during, and after worship.

St. Mark's has had acolytes of all ages since its beginning. They carry the cross, candles, and Gospel book; help people up the steps to Communion; assist the priest with the preparation and clearing of the altar; and provide support to the Worship Leaders as they administer Holy Communion.

The choir gathers to rehearse and sing from September through Pentecost in either May or June. They lead the hymns during worship and sing an anthem during worship as well, rehearsed during a mid-week evening rehearsal in the sanctuary.

Lectors are lay persons trained to read scripture at worship services. They are trained to read the Lessons, the Psalm, and the Prayers of the People.
To learn more about any of our church ministries or how to volunteer please contact our office at

Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King is an international order, established in 1885. Members pledge to obey a rule of prayer and service, and to offer at all times loyal aid to our clergy and parish. The Daughters promise to pray daily for the spread of Christ’s kingdom, especially among women and girls, for God’s blessing on the members and work of The Order, and for spiritual growth of their parishes and clergy.
Our chapter meets on the first and third Saturdays of every month at 10:00AM in the Guild Room.